This template comes with 160+ module suffix styles.
Each suffix style can be used in conjunction with others : Simply use an space ' ' to bridge the suffix styles!

Font Awesome Icon Suffixes

Create Font Awesome Icons for your module title simply by adding the icon name to the module suffix class!

Font Awesome Icons v.4

Web Application Icons

Hand Icons

Transportation Icons

Gender Icons

File Type Icons

Spinner Icons

Form Control Icons

Payment Icons

Chart Icons

Currency Icons

Text Editor Icons

Directional Icons

Video Player Icons

Brand Icons


Apparently, Adblock Plus can remove Font Awesome brand icons with their "Remove Social Media Buttons" setting. We will not use hacks to force them to display. Please report an issue with Adblock Plus if you believe this to be an error. To work around this, you'll need to modify the social icon class names.
  • All brand icons are trademarks of their respective owners.
  • The use of these trademarks does not indicate endorsement of the trademark holder by Font Awesome, nor vice versa.

Medical Icons


This is the "blue" module suffix and adds a blue title.


This is the "ltgrey" module suffix and adds a light grey title.

basecolor 1

This is the "basecolor_1" module suffix and adds the base color 1 from the template manager.

basecolor 5

This is the "basecolor_5" module suffix and adds the base color 5 from the template manager.

Sideline Red

This is the "sideline red" module suffix.

Sideline Blue

This is the "sideline blue" module suffix.

Sideline basecolor1

This is the "sideline basecolor1" module suffix.


This is the "sideline basecolor5" module suffix.

Green box

This is the "green box rounded" module suffix and adds a green wrap to the module. The rounded suffix adds a border radius to the module.

Dark box

This is the "dark box" module suffix and adds a dark wrap to the module style.

Basecolor1 box

This is the "basecolor1 box rounded" module suffix and adds basecolor1 wrap to the module style. The rounded suffix adds a border radius to the module.

Basecolor5 box

This is the "basecolor5 box" module suffix and adds basecolor5 wrap to the module style.

tabbed blue

This is the "tabbed blue rounded" module suffix and adds a blue title box. The roundedtitle suffix adds a border radius to the module.

tabbed purple

This is the "tabbed purple" module suffix and adds a purple title box.

Bottom border

This is the "bottomborder" module suffix and adds a bottom border to the module.

Title left border

This is the "titleleftborder" module suffix and adds a left border to the module title.

No Marg

This is the "nomarg" module suffix and removes the margin to the module .


This is the "red" module suffix and adds a red title.


This is the "orange" module suffix and adds a orange title.

base color 2

This is the "basecolor_2" module suffix and adds the base color 2 from the template manager.

base color 6

This is the "basecolor_6" module suffix and adds the base color 6 from the template manager.

Sideline Green

This is the "sideline green" module suffix.

Sideline Orange

This is the "sideline orange" module suffix.

Sideline basecolor2

This is the "sideline basecolor2" module suffix.

Sideline basecolor6

This is the "sideline basecolor6" module suffix.

Yellow box

This is the "yellow box shadowed" module suffix and adds a yellow wrap to the module style. The shadowed suffix adds a drop shadow to the module.

Red box

This is the "red box" module suffix and adds a red wrap to the module style.

Basecolor2 box

This is the "basecolor2 box shadowed" module suffix and adds basecolor2 wrap to the module style. The shadowed suffix adds a drop shadow to the module.

Basecolor6 box

This is the "basecolor6 box" module suffix and adds basecolor6 wrap to the module style.

tabbed orange

This is the "tabbed orange" module suffix and adds an orange title box.

tabbed dark

This is the "tabbeddark" module suffix and adds a dark title box.

Top Border

This is the "topborder" module suffix and adds a top border to the module style.

Title right border

This is the "titlerightborder" module suffix and adds a right border to the module style.

No Pad

This is the "nopad" module suffix and removes padding from the module style.


This is the "yellow" module suffix and adds a yellow title.


This is the "green" module suffix and adds a green title.

basecolor 3

This is the "basecolor_3" module suffix and adds the base color 1 from the template manager.

basecolor 7

This is the "basecolor_7" module suffix and adds the base color 7 from the template manager.

Sideline Orange

This is the "sideline orange" module suffix.

Sideline Dark

This is the "sideline dark" module suffix.

Sideline basecolor7

This is the "sideline basecolor7" module suffix.

Sideline basecolor3

This is the "sideline basecolor3" module suffix.

Blue box

This is the "blue box" module suffix and adds a blue wrap to the module.

Orange box

This is the "orange box" module suffix and adds a orange wrap to the module style.

Basecolor3 box

This is the "basecolor3 box" module suffix and adds basecolor3 wrap to the module style.

Basecolor7 box

This is the "basecolor7 box" module suffix and adds basecolor5 wrap to the module style.

tabbed green

This is the "tabbed green" module suffix and adds a green title box.

tabbed red

This is the "tabbed red shaowedtitle" module suffix and adds a red title box. The shadowedtitle suffix adds a drop shadow to the module title.

Title bottom border

This is the "titlebottomborder" module suffix and adds a bottom border to the module title.

Left Border

This is the "leftborder" module suffix and adds a left border to the module style.

Border Wrap

This is the "bwrap" module suffix and adds a border to the module style.


This is the "purple" module suffix and adds a purple title.

base color 4

This is the "basecolor_4" module suffix and adds the base color 4 from the template manager.


This is the "dkgrey" module suffix and adds a dark grey title.

base color 8

This is the "basecolor_8" module suffix and adds the base color 8 from the template manager.

Sideline Purple

This is the "sideline purple" module suffix.

Sideline Yellow

This is the "sideline yellow" module suffix.

Sideline basecolor8

This is the "sideline basecolor8" module suffix.

Sideline basecolor4

This is the "sideline basecolor4" module suffix.

Purple box

This is the "purple box" module suffix and adds a purple wrap to the module style.

Light box

This is the "light box" module suffix and adds a light grey wrap to the module style.

Basecolor4 box

This is the "basecolor4 box" module suffix and adds basecolor4 wrap to the module style.

Basecolor8 box

This is the "basecolor8 box" module suffix and adds basecolor8 wrap to the module style.

tabbed light

This is the "tabbed light" module suffix and adds a light title box.

tabbed yellow

This is the "tabbed yellow shadowed" module suffix and adds a yellow title box. The shadowed suffix adds a drop shadow to the module.

Title top border

This is the "titletopborder" module suffix and adds a top border to the module title.

Right Border

This is the "rightborder" module suffix and adds a right border to the module style.


This is the "border" module suffix and adds a border to the module title.

Who We Are:

Chase mice run in circles yet mark territory sleep on keyboard. Claw drapes. Intently sniff hand burrow under covers for behind the couch but inspect anything brought into the house. Intently stare at the same spot flop over or give attitude or hide when guests come over.

Contact Us

(888) 999-9999